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A simple way to download your article from SCI-HUB

This time I propose a very simple method that makes your job easier. What you need to do is download an extension into your browser that will either generate the download link for your article on the sci-hub site.

It's easier to watch the video otherwise you follow the steps described below:

  1. The steps are as follows:

      Download extension
    I show the installation on the browser chrome but it exists on the other browser just search.
    The name of the extension is SCI-HUB (the link here)

    Chrome Web Store Extension

    Screen of the extension
  • Configuration of the extension
           Since Sci-hub addresses change every time, you have the option of reconfiguring the extension with the new functional address. For the moment it is which is available. However in the configure address extension is .bz, so you have to change it by following these steps:
  •   Go to the icon of the extension and click on the right button -> option
  • Type in the Customize Server field the address then save

3. Generation of the download link on sci-hub
Now every time the extension detects a DOI, it generates a link to sci-hub with the latter.



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